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Grecotel Astir Alexandroupolis

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   Alexandroupolis Vezi pe harta

Disponibilitate si preturi

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Descriere Grecotel Astir Alexandroupolis, Alexandroupolis, Grecia

An excellent combination of refined luxury, exemplary service with all modern facilities and breathtaking views over the sea. In the scenic city of Alexandroupolis, where the business and cultural worlds meet, nestled within the timeless landscape - a verdant pine forest surrounded by the sea - Astir stands out as the ideal address for the discerning visitor. The legendary hotel Astir Alexandroupolis features luxurious rooms, maisonettes and suites, some with private pools, while they all have sea view. The rooms, decorated with unique styles in warm earthy tones, feature a spa bathroom with chromatherapy and impressive lighting. From the moment you step into the lobby you will know you are in Thrace’s finest hotel. Impressive columns dominate the lobby and lounges, either sculptured or dressed in fine silk. The stylish colour scheme and sophisticated materials: silk, velvet and leather, combine classical elegance with contemporary flair. The sumptuous sophistication of the lobby bar is an invitation few can resist. From the comfort of a deep velvet sofa, enjoy that pre-dinner martini or irresistible night cup.

Taxe locale

In unele cazuri, unitatea de cazare/hoteliera poate colecta diverse taxe locale. Ele vor fi achitate de turisti direct la receptia unitatii hoteliere.

Alte informatii privind unitatea de cazare:

Pentru destinatiile externe, in cadrul ofertelor pentru perioadele de sarbatoare (Craciun, Revelion etc.), unele hoteluri isi rezerva dreptul de a impune ca si serviciu obligatoriu o cina festiva. Exista cazuri in care costul aferent acestui serviciu nu este inclus in pretul afisat si se va achita suplimentar.

Pentru efectuarea tratamentului in unitatile hoteliere din Romania sunt necesare, in majoritatea cazurilor: bilet de trimitere de la medicul de familie sau specialist, cardul de sanatate activat, adeverinta de salariat/cupon de pensie.

La unitatile hoteliere din Romania, preluarea camerei se face, in majoritatea cazurilor, astfel:
Litoral- Check-in: cel tarziu la ora 18:00; Check-out: cel tarziu la ora 12:00.
Alte destinatii- Check-in: intre orele 14:00-16:00; Check-out: intre orele 10:00–12:00.

Locatie Grecotel Astir Alexandroupolis, Alexandroupolis, Grecia